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49th Annual Spirit of the Midwest Region 5 Convention and Competition

April 24 @ 8:00 am - April 26 @ 5:00 pm

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Sweet Adelines International (SAI) has more than 30,000 members worldwide and is divided into 24 regions based on geographic location. The Spirit of the Midwest, Region 5, proudly has 600+ singers in 15 choruses from the great states of Iowa, Illinois, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska.

Our membership comes from all walks of life and all ages to share the joy of barbershop harmony. We have stay-at-home moms, students, CEOs, teachers, nurses, business owners, and retirees, just to name a few. Our differences and diversity create the very fabric of what makes this organization and this region so extraordinary.

Region 5 offers opportunities to join a chorus in many cities across several states. Joining a chorus is a wonderful way to learn to sing or improve your vocal skills. In a chorus, the director will assess your vocal range and place you in one of four voice parts. You’ll be taught how to sing your best within that section of the chorus. The ability to read music is helpful but not required.

Every Spring, the “Spirit of the Midwest, Region 5” hosts a regional chorus and quartet contest and convention. We also offer two additional fun and educational events per year. Both opportunities allow you to meet others within the region, build new relationships, and learn more about barbershop harmony. You may even get the chance to sing a tag or two.

Our Regional Management Team is a group of women who volunteer their time and leadership to ensure our region runs smoothly and welcomes all to enjoy barbershop. If you’d like to learn more about our RMT check them out in our About section.

On this journey, you will meet many amazing, talented, friendly, and helpful women and develop friendships that last a lifetime. Click here to find a chorus near you!

All-Events Passes (AEPs)

All-Events Passes (AEPs) will be available for advance purchase only. No AEPs will be sold at the Music Hall.* Non-member passes may be added to your chorus forms or purchased directly from the Region 5 website. Chorus forms are due by March 25, 2025, and the last day to purchase AEPs on the website is April 23, 2025. Pricing will remain the same as last year.

$80 for members, including directors.

$90 for non-members.

$40 for youth (13-25 years old).

$45 for single events. Free for 12 and under.

*AEPs are non-refundable, however, they are exchangeable.


April 24 @ 8:00 am
April 26 @ 5:00 pm
Music Hall

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